Suspension Servicing is often overlooked, a key component that directly impacts the experience you have on your motorcycle. Whether you’re riding for enjoyment or racing at the highest level the performance of your suspension is key and that starts with regular servicing. Just like your engine oil, the oil inside your suspension units with degrade leading to loss of damping and effective lubrication. Servicing not only makes the unit work as it was intended but also prolongs the life of the components. 

Performance Upgrades come in many forms when suspension is involved. I split this into 3 main areas – optimizing, re-working and upgrading. Before undertaking any of these you need to know what you want from your suspension, from this you can work out what solution best works for you. 

Optimization is getting the best from what you currently have, this is setting the correct preload, rebound and compression for you, geometry changes also come into this. Re-working is costuming what you already have, this covers a wide range of changes from spring changes, air gap, oil weight and of course, re-valving. If none of the previously mentioned will give you what you require from your suspension, then it’s time to upgrade. 

Current Standard Service Turn Around Time(not including postage) –

3 Days, (updates 28.10.24)